Nothing beats the immersive international experience you’ll get while studying abroad. Since your success is why we are here, we ensure that you get provided with each question paper at list a day or two before the scheduled examination date. Sitting for the examination is just a formality. This is because whether you write or not, you will receive a pass mark anyway. If you want to buy registered IELTS certificate for sale online, we should be the first name that comes to mind for we provide real British Council certificates. And all our certificates are registered at the British Council database system and we make sure that you can verify your IELTS certificate for sale online on the official website of the British Council or IDP. Isn’t it what you were looking for? Because our expertise and years of experience in providing valid Get Registered IELTS Certificate without exam have made us to be one of the best and leading website in this domain.


It is the hard work of our team that has made it possible for us to provide thousands of original IELTS certificate for a good number of clients around the globe. Also, our huge network includes examiners and test setters who have more than 20 years of experience in this field. If you take help from us, you don’t have to take the stress of the exam. This means, we let you buy legit IELTS certificate with ease. Before we proceed further let’s know more about what IELTS actually is.

IDP Get Registered IELTS Certificate Without Exam

IDP is one of the leading providers of IELTS Certificate in the world. You should be looking for means to get an IDP IELTS certificate. Looking for Idp IELTS certificate without exam. Or asking how to register for IELTS IDP Certificate.

IDP is now the main provider of IELTS in India. This was the biggest IELTS news so far added to the fact that India holds approximately 40% of the world IELTS market. Questions like which one is preferable British Council or IDP? Will now be avoided. There is a collective goal and a more focused road to all Indians which is IDP.

We can help you register IDP IELTS Certificate without exam. We are the board of members, we are the workers, the administrator and most importantly partners. Not everyone will pass through the exam road. Many people who present high scores around you, probably used this road. Avoid wasting your time and resources following a path where is full of complications and failure.

IELTS Examiners & Marking at IDP & BC

All examiners for IELTS, both IDP and BC examiners, are trained in the same way, following the same guidelines. Listening and Reading answers are marked clerically. They are based on right or wrong answers. Each right answer gives one point and your score is calculated based on the number of right answers. So, this never differs between test centers.

Writing and Speaking are marked by an examiner. All IELTS examiners, for both IDP and BC, complete the same training course, follow the same marking criteria and also the same band score descriptors. Examiners are also checked regularly to ensure they are not marking too high or too low. Get Registered IELTS Certificate



IDP is Australian and BC is British but they both use a range of accents. In the listening test, you will get a range of accents (even American sometimes). In the speaking test, the examiner could come from any country and have any accent. You can use any accent you want in your speaking test: Australian, British or American.

How to Choose: British Council or IDP?

Choose a test center close to your home.

The listening, reading and writing test is 2 hours and 40 mins. You will need to arrive at your test center feeling fresh and ready to concentrate. Choosing a test center near your home will help you do this.

Check if the listening test uses speakers or head phones.

Most students prefer to use head phones because they can concentrate better. You might want to check with your test center which they use.

Test Dates in IDP or BC

Decide which center offers you the test date you want. You should always take the test when your IELTS skills and English language is strongest. Also make sure you frequently hit the score you want in practice tests before booking your real test.


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