
Showing posts with the label buy fake bank notes BEST UNDETECTED COUNTERFEIT BANKNOTE Authentic Banknote and Fake Banknotes printing counterfeit currencies Best Counterfeit Banknotes for sale.

Online money And Banknotes available

  Euro banknotes, the common currency of the 19 euro location countries, are produced with state-of-the-art printing technology. in addition they have a number of distinguished protection functions. those cause them to smooth to distinguish from counterfeit notes without the use of special device, and for that reason deter counterfeiters. Genuine banknotes may be recognized with the aid of the simple “feel, appearance and tilt” approach promoted by using the eu critical bank (ECB) and the valuable banks of the 19 Member States that use the forex. However, the EUR 20 banknote remains the maximum famous denomination for counterfeiters, followed with the aid of the EUR 50. collectively, they account for eighty three.3 % of the counterfeit notes detected within the first half of of 2015, according to the ECB. The ECB is confident that the advent of a new collection of banknotes will hamper the activities of counterfeiters. (the brand new EUR 20 word went into move in late 2015, and the...