Bitcoin Era Review 2020 : Legit or Scam?

Bitcoin Era Review - Is it Scam or Legit?

Just yesterday, we received the largest number of emails from our readers. Everyone wants to know which crypto trading robot is the best. My team went out to look for the answers, and we have good news. We discovered Bitcoin Era. Bitcoin Era has been around for some years, and from our findings, so many people have become very rich while trading with this crypto robot.

As always, we strive to be thorough and to get only the accurate information before publishing. We tested Bitcoin Era and we can confirm that you won’t be making a mistake by trading with this automated crypto system. 

Is Bitcoin Era Scam?

We noticed that the owners of this trading platform have made it so easy for everyone to start making money with Bitcoin Era. The account registration process can be completed in minutes. In our case, we registered a new Bitcoin Era account in five minutes. This process is so quick because the only information needed to get started is the account name, email address, and phone number.

Making a deposit

After we registered an account, we held a short meeting to decide on how to start trading. The aim of our meeting was to decide on the investment capital that we should use to test the live trading feature. In the end, my team decided to start with the minimum deposit, which is $250. We saw different online payment platforms that could be used to make a deposit. Our money was transferred into the Bitcoin Era account by using a Visa card. The entire process was completed in seconds. Bitcoin Era is an automated trading robot that claims to provide users to profit from changes in the bitcoin price. The crypto trading platform claims to generate a profit of $1k every day from a little capital investment of $/£250.

But is this too good to be true?

In this Bitcoin Era review, we will run through the technologies that make Bitcoin Era operate and how it works. It is very important to select the right trading process, time frames and strategies in order to benefit from the Bitcoin era app and start making money.

What is Bitcoin Era?

Launched in 2019, Bitcoin era claims to bring daily profit to their users by placing automatic trades simultaneously, in software that was developed by a group of Fintech companies. Both their users and creators claim that Bitcoin Era is able to perform trades faster than most algorithms, and at a split second faster than the average trading software. The Bitcoin Era software is free to use, and the brokers included in the auto trading platform are the ones who are both regulated and compliant, and have backed the funding of this trading tool. To use the platform with one of the brokers, however, the user needs to have an initial capital of $250 to invest which is the same for most popular robots like Bitcoin Evolution. Bitcoin Era is a fully automated software, which means that their users just need to configure the robot with their best settings and turn the robot “ON”. Once the crypto trading platform is on, all there’s left to do is monitor the trades being made on their behalf. It’s pretty straight-forward and follows the same simplicity in the use of other tools like Bitcoin Revolution.

Is Bitcoin Era a scam or not?

Although there’s not much information out there about this specific robot, there have been claims from users that Bit coin Era appears to be a legit trading robot. If you’re familiar with Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, then you know how extremely volatile they can be. Bitcoin can go up by $1000 in minutes, and if you are an assiduous follower of cryptocurrency, you will see that this is the case. What does happen in most cases is that their users leave the robot performing trades on their behalf for a full day, and come back to some losses. As smart crypto traders, you should know that due to volatility you need to monitor the trades. Volatility can be bad, but it can also be highly rewarding with trading platforms. Bitcoin Era claims to trade at a split second faster, which means there is enough time to pick up the trending signals and place the trade correctly. Remember, high volatility provides higher risks but also higher rewards. Some users online have reported an astonishing 88% success rate or higher so we can properly say that it is not a scam. It’s definitely surprised us and performed better than what we had anticipated.

You can find below a brief description of the sections in your dashboard:

Trading Accounts: That’s where you will check the activity and summary of your trading accounts. We recommend to only have 1 trading account ongoing at the same time.

My Profile: That’s where you can set up your details, change your password and submit your KYC documents. Regulated brokers require to know who you are, thus you will need to submit KYC to withdraw your profits. It’s a standard procedure.

Fund Transfer: That’s where you can deposit or withdraw your funds.

Platform Downloads: This is not necessary, but you can download the trading system you use for trading with Bitcoin Era.

Service Desk: That’s a 24/7 dedicated customer care team to assist you with any queries you might have.

Step 3: Live and Demo Trading

There are two trading modes you can choose from with most trading platforms. List of live accounts is the option to choose when you’re ready to go into the live trading session and start making profit, and practice accounts are your common “demo accounts“.

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